Dirigido a Usted Sr. Lector...

Estimado Sr. Lector, sea bienvenido a este pequeño reducto donde la fantasía, la literatura fantástica, inclusive la ciencia ficción aún persisten, negándose a desaparecer. Un lugar donde las letras usan la tecnología como su aliada, en Pro de evadir la apatía de los bomberos incendiarios de libros.
Saludos desde este bastión anclado en mi imaginación.

The latest statement about love and war.

I used to be the bravest. Outlander even in my land, a sarcastic warrior, with so much pride and prejudice, always taking care about the ones I love. I do believe in magic, knowledge and forgiveness. I do want to keep looking forward and learning about the spirits and the live. Not everyone fight on the same way. I just can´t throw that away, it is always been my best part. 

I need someone who at least should be more valiant as me, a caring and understanding person. 

I will not surrender my principles anymore. I know the price and I willing to pay it. 
and yeah it is a war statement.
It is enough...Time to move on.

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